SkinVive by Juvederm

SkinVive by Juvederm is the first and only FDA-approved hyaluronic acid (HA) microdroplet injectable in the US to improve skin smoothness of the cheeks. SkinVive is often referred to as a “skin booster” rather than a filler since its job isn’t to rebuild volume like other fillers but rather to hydrate your skin and give you a glowy “I slept for a solid 8 hours” look. 

The FDA approved this new hyaluronic acid filler in May 2023. It may be the closest thing to a whole night’s sleep and your recommended three liters of daily water that you can get.

Commonly Treated Areas:

What to Expect

During Your Treatment

Our staff will thoroughly explain the procedure and answer all questions. The treatment typically lasts 10-15 minutes, with little to no downtime. Side effects are minimal; however, there is always the possibility of bruising, swelling, and tenderness at the injection site. SkinVive by JUVÉDERM provides results over six months, without requiring a recurring series of treatments. In clinical studies, 56% of participants in the treatment group showed improvement in skin smoothness on their cheeks at 6 months after treatment/touch-up. Not only that, 84% of subjects were satisfied with how healthy their skin looked at one month, and 83% at six months (in comparison, only 38% of subjects felt this way pre-treatment). Overall, patients reported how glowing, hydrated, refreshed, and healthy their skin looked after treatment.


For the first 24 hours after treatment, avoid alcoholic beverages, strenuous exercise, and exposure to extensive sun and heat (as these may cause temporary redness, swelling, and/or itching at the injection site, and may exacerbate bruising).

  • No massaging of the treatment area for 24 hours after treatment
  • Avoid putting pressure on the affected area for 1 to 3 days
A person with clear skin receives a cosmetic injection from a gloved hand; graphic lines on the face suggest a beauty treatment or procedure.

Is This Service Right For Me?

SkinVive is best for people with texture, fine lines, and dehydration concerns in the cheek area, but most people are candidates for this procedure.

SkinVive is approved for all Fitzpatrick skin types (I-VI), so anyone looking for a boost of hydration and glow can benefit.  

A medical syringe with a blue handle lies on a teal surface dotted with water droplets, suggesting cleanliness or medical hygiene.
This is a tranquil room with a beige massage chair, a green potted plant, a framed abstract artwork, and a minimalist side table.

Our Prices

$650+ per treatment